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Welcome to St Albans u3a!
feel free to look around our website.
If you're already a
member, please LOG IN to sign up for Groups or Events, to read News items and to access
the “Members Area”.
What is the u3a?
Membership of the u3a is open to all
people who are no longer in full-time employment, irrespective of race,
religion or politics. The vision of the u3a is to give people access to
Interest Groups and activities which are provided by the members for the
The u3a began in France in 1972, with
the core of u3a starting in Britain in 1982. The Third Age Trust is the
national representative body for u3as in the UK. There are over 1000 u3as in
the UK with 440,000 members. Each u3a is an individual charity run by and for
their members. Click here for more information on the Third Age Trust.
What we do
St Albans u3a was formed in 1987. Its
Trustees are elected annually by the members and form the Executive Committee
which is responsible for managing its affairs in accordance with a Constitution
approved by the Charity Commission. Our members can enjoy a range of activities
which include Meetings and Talks twice a month, over 120 Interest Groups as
well as Trips and Holidays. A brief description of these activities can be
found below. But for more detailed information just browse the website using
the menu options above.
Meetings and Talks
We normally hold meetings and talks
twice a month, on Wednesdays at Marlborough
Road Methodist Church and on Tuesdays at St Mary's Church, Marshalswick. We have a varied programme of
talks given by invited speakers and the meetings are an opportunity to meet
fellow members and catch up on the latest news and Events. You are welcome to
come along to one of our talks to find out more information about St Albans u3a. Click here
for information on our talks programme.
Groups enable members to share each
other’s interests and pursuits and we have an enormous range that cover
educational, recreational, physical and cultural interests. Groups are
autonomous and the members decide what they do and how they operate.
We have nearly 120 Groups. Click here for a list of them. Each Group will be organised by one
or more volunteers who may have a particular interest in the activity (we are
always open to suggestions for new groups). Normally you must be a member of St
Albans u3a to join one of our Groups; however, there are a few designated
Groups that are open to members of other u3as. Such Groups are indicated as an
'Open Group' in the Groups List and on their individual web page.
Many Groups meet in members’ homes.
Some larger Groups or those participating in physical activities may use
external venues in and around St Albans. In the latter case there may be a
charge to cover the hire costs of facilities such as a hall or badminton court
which is shared by the members.
Trips (Outings Holidays etc.)
We have a dedicated team of volunteers
who organise our Trips.
Our Outings cover a wide area of
interests including Garden Visits, Theatre Trips, Stately Homes etc. We usually
run at least one trip a month but often there are two. Click here
for a list of upcoming outings.
Holidays are organised both in the UK
and abroad current holidays can be found here.
St Albans u3a members can also attend
events organised by the Third Age Trust which are also advertised on its website here.
St Albans u3a is also a member of the
Herts Network of u3as which provides a forum for discussing subjects of mutual
interest with other local u3as.