Groups are at the heart of all u3as. They enable people to share and pursue learning by offering activities that aim to satisfy the widest possible range of educational, recreational, physical and cultural interests. They are self-run by the members of each Group who decide what they do and how they operate.

St Albans u3a already has nearly 120 Interest/Study Groups. In order to accommodate its own members’ needs, St Albans u3a Groups may normally only be joined by St Albans u3a members. On the recommendation of the Groups Coordinator and with the agreement of the Executive Committee, a Group may, in exceptional cases, be opened to members of other u3as. Such Groups are indicated as an 'Open Group' in the Groups List  and on their individual web page. Responsibility for 'Open Groups' remains with St Albans u3a.

Many groups meet in members’ homes, while some groups use external accommodation. In the latter case there may be a charge to cover the hire costs of facilities such as a hall or badminton court.

Some Groups are limited in size and, at any one time, may not have room for new members. To find out whether a Group has vacancies, check the Groups List page.

If the Group you want to join is full, it may have a waiting list. An additional Group will be formed when the number of people waiting is enough to make it viable. If a Group is full and there is no waiting list, you can start one!

If you find that no Group caters for your interest, the Groups Coordinator is always happy to receive new ideas or to help you set up a new Interest/Study group. For help and information or to get in touch with ideas and interests in new groups just contact the Groups Coordinator .

Information about Groups that are in the process of forming and Groups that are actively seeking new members can be found on the Groups News page.

Further information for all members, but in particular Group Organisers, about setting up and running Groups is available here

Copyright St Albans u3a Registered Charity No.1035678