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We usually meet twice a month except during Christmas and Summer holidays. Meeting dates are shown in the list of events above. If you are logged in you can see more information by simply clicking on the item that interests you.
Our meetings take place at two different venues:
Wednesday meetings
are held at Marlborough Road Methodist Church, Marlborough
Rd, St Albans AL1 3XQ. This Bus Routes web page allows you
to find routes and timetables for buses that stop in St Peter’s Street and
Victoria Street. There is car parking at the Maltings Public Car Park, adjacent
to the church.
Until further notice, the venue for Tuesday meetings is St Mary's Church, Marshalswick (1 Sherwood Ave, St Albans AL4 9QA). Please note the different start times:
- at Marlborough Road, meetings open for registration at 2:00 pm (in the church hall to the right-hand side of the lobby) and meetings start at 2:30pm.
- at St Mary's Church meetings open for registration at 1.30 pm and meetings start at 2:00pm
Meetings begin with announcements which are followed by a talk of about 45 minutes by a Guest Speaker. At
Marlborough Rd the church has a T-Loop system for those who use hearing aids.
At each venue,
Meeters and Greeters will welcome you and direct you to the registration area
where you will find stalls with information about Groups, Trips, Events and u3a notices as well as a free Bookstall. If you would like to be a Meeter and
Greeter or to help with the Bookstall, please contact Gill Dear.
At Marlborough
Road, tea and coffee are normally served in the church hall after the talk. If you could
help, please contact our Refreshments Coordinator,
Charlotte Thorp, who organises the refreshments rota.
Members attending the talks are encouraged to give feedback to the Speaker Secretary, who
organises the talks, or to any member of the Executive Committee.
Suggestions for future speakers - including u3a members who would be interested
in giving a talk on their 'specialist subject' - are also very welcome.
Membership Cards
Please remember to
bring your membership card with you to the meetings as it saves time at
registration. Also, please fill in the reverse with your Emergency Contact and
Medical/Allergy details as these could prove useful to a paramedic called to an
accident or a person taken ill. For the same reasons, please carry your card
when attending every u3a activity.