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St Albans Shopmobility
St Albans Shopmobility is a small local charity based in St Albans City centre. It needs volunteers to work in its office and also with Friends of Shopmobility to help with one-off fundraising events throughout the year. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Shopmobility Manager, Juliet Prodger, by email ( or telephone: 01727 819339

Raindrops on Roses
‘Raindrops on
Roses’, is an independent gift shop in St Albans which uniquely contributes its
profits to cancer research charities. They are currently supporting research at
UCH London, investigating secondary cancers following breast cancer diagnosis.
Raindrops on Roses
is able to send tens of thousands of pounds a year to support this research
because the shop relies on volunteers to staff the shop alongside a manager in
charge. We are currently finding it a challenge to recruit adult volunteers and
would welcome anyone who would like to volunteer with them.
For more
information click here to visit the
Radio Verulam 92.6
Radio Verulam s a
non-profit community radio station. It's not just about talking and playing
music. It's totally run by volunteers, and we don’t all present a show. We need
volunteers in many areas to keep us running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and
anyone with the skills, experience and time is especially welcome.
For example, as
well as the technical side where we need people with IT, electronics and audio
knowledge, we need people who can help raise funds through grant applications
or donation generation.
We need a finance
manager with Quickbooks experience, someone to help manage our volunteers and
people who can help write marketing materials.
If you think you’d
like to get involved, take a look at our volunteering opportunities page and get in
touch or contact us with your expertise!
1st St Albans
Communities 1st, formerly known as Community Central
or the CVS for St Albans and District, brings together charities, social enterprises,
businesses and the public to energise and strengthen the Community in which we
live and work. It runs the Volunteer Centre, supports local Community Groups
and charities to secure grant funding and represents our local community at
over 20 County and District events a year. Communities 1st also runs projects
which support the most vulnerable including the administration of the St Albans
Old People’s Trust, a grant giving charity dedicated to improving the lives of
older people across the District.
You can find out more about it here.
Or you can call the Volunteer Centre on 01727 814644. It's also open in the Hub
at the Civic Centre from 10am to 4pm on Mondays and Wednesdays when you are
free to drop in or make an appointment.
Free Books Hatfield
Free Books Hatfield is a registered charity based that
gives out free books to members of the public with the aim of saving unwanted
books from landfill, and promoting education and literacy. It is based in The
Galleria, Hatfield, where it has a bookshop with an enormous range of books. It
is currently looking for volunteers able to commit to one morning or afternoon
a week or one or two duties a month. For further information contact Lynne Paul
by email at
Can you spare an hour or two a week
to listen to children read in a local primary school? Schoolreaders is looking
for more volunteers in Hertfordshire to carry out this important role. Reading
time for many children at home and at school is often insufficient and one in
four children are now leaving primary school unable to read to the required
standard. This can have a lifelong consequence. No qualifications are
necessary, just a good command of spoken and written English. Schoolreaders
is flexible and will match your availability to an appropriate, local school.
Our volunteers find the scheme incredibly rewarding, knowing that a few hours
helping a child learn to read each week can have such a great impact on their
life chances. You
can find out more about it here: Schoolreaders or call 01234 924111 for further
Abbey Theatre Trust
The Abbey Theatre Trust would like to set up a volunteer
scheme for Front of House staff. Stewards are needed to sell programmes,
coffee, tea and ice creams in the interval and generally help when there is a
show on. Full training would be given and the stewards get to see the shows for
free! For more information visit the Abbey Theatre Volunteering page or contact
Katherine Barry by email ( or telephone (07878
Family Lives
Family Lives is a national charity which runs a
free confidential helpline for anyone experiencing difficulties in their family
or relationship. You can find out more about it here: Family
Lives. It is currently recruiting for volunteer call-takers with
a range of backgrounds and experiences who have experience of parenting or
working with children and young people, are good listeners and have a
willingness to learn. Volunteers receive training and are expected to make a
commitment of 1 year. To find out more, contact
or call 01163 666087 for further information.
Guide Dogs
Guide Dogs’ local office, based in
Park Street, manages the final 10 – 12 weeks of a guide dog’s training before
matching the dog to a person with sight loss in the local area. The team is
anxious to find volunteers in St Albans who would be happy to offer temporary
homes to the trainee dogs. Full training and equipment would be provided. You
can also link to their local Facebook page by searching 'Guide Dogs
Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Essex' and Twitter 'Guide Dogs HerBedEss or
@GuideDogsAL2. If you are interested, please contact Lisa Cooke (
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