Little Book of Big Scams

The Metropolitan Police has published the 5th edition of its Little Book of Big Scams - essential reading to protect yourself from conmen of all sorts. You can download it here: Little Book of Big Scams Edition 5.

Crime prevention learning website

A new online learning crime prevention website is available for members of the public in Hertfordshire.It’s called Hertfordshire Citizens Academy and is hosted at Herts Citizens Academy.  Users are able to take short, simple courses covering subjects such as personal safety, cybercrime and fraud, theft and burglary, which are rounded off with short quizzes.

Get Safe Online

Get Safe Online is a public / private sector partnership supported by HM Government and leading organisations in banking, retail, internet security and other sectors. Its website is a unique resource providing practical advice on how to protect yourself, your computers and mobiles device and your business against fraud, identity theft, viruses and many other problems encountered online. It contains guidance on many other related subjects too – including performing backups and how to avoid theft or loss of your computer, smartphone or tablet. Every conceivable topic is included on the site – including safe online shopping, gaming and dating … so now you really can stay safe with everything you do online. The site also keeps you up to date with news, tips and stories from around the world. For further information click on Get Safe Online

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