St Albans Cathedral Talks and Courses

St Albans Cathedral offers a full programme of adult learning events designed to explore faith, history and culture from many angles. It also offers a series of courses within its ‘Certificate in Theology’ for those wishing to explore Christianity. For more information click here


OperaVision is opera for the connected world. Watch live streams as the operas themselves unfold in the opera house. View your favourite performances, subtitled, on demand. Learn about the art form and specific productions by browsing our richly populated digital library, stories, and articles. In English, French, and German, thoughtfully curated, and free to browse and explore. OperaVision brings together 29 partners from 17 countries and invites you to travel and discover the diversity of opera from wherever you want, whenever you want. Click here to explore OperaVision

The Timeline YouTube channel

An online resource, full of free to watch history documentaries. Every week we'll be bringing you one-off documentaries and series from the world's top broadcasters, including the BBC, Channel 4, Discovery and PBS. We'll be exploring the mysteries of ancient Egypt, shedding light on the dark ages of medieval Europe and examining the First and Second World Wars. Click here to explore the channel


Founded in 1903, the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) is a charity dedicated to bringing high-quality, professional education into the heart of communities. With the support of nearly 3,000 volunteers, 2,000 tutors and over 10,000 members, we deliver friendly, accessible and enjoyable courses for adults from all walks of life. The St Albans branch runs daytime courses, and our main audience is similar to that of the U3A. Our courses typically cover subjects in Art, History, Music and Current Affairs, and you do not need any previous knowledge or qualifications to join. Booking can be done online, by phone or by post. Details of courses can be found on the  national WEA website.

Welwyn Garden City Film Society

Our purpose is to show the best of contemporary and classic world cinema, in a comfortable and sociable setting. The films are selected partly by the committee and partly by the votes of members. All the Film Society’s shows can be seen at the Garden City Cinema Screen 3 at Campus West for a membership fee of £40 for 8 films. There is nothing else to pay. Non-members may attend any show, as guests, for £7. All shows are on Sundays and start at 7.30pm. Please download further information at WGC Film

Gresham College Lectures

Gresham College was founded in 1597 and has been providing free lectures within the City of London for over 400 years. Today the College continues this four-century-old and upholds its founding principle in maintaining the highest possible academic standards for all its appointed Gresham Professors, Visiting Professors and visiting speakers.
All the College's 130+ lectures and events each year are free and open to all. They take place at a number of venues within the City of London and beyond. The College has been recording its lectures since the 1980s so for those unable to attend, there are now over 1,900 lectures freely available online in text, audio or video formats. For further information about past and future lectures, visit

Free Entry to English Heritage Sites

Did you know that you can make free educational visits to English Heritage sites? Well you can by visiting the Education Visit  page of the EH website and filling in the application form that's downloadable there

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